Important milestones
Klaus Reckhaus has a vision: to offer better solutions for insect control. The Bielefeld entrepreneur founds Reckhaus. The products he sells are given a distinctive name: Reckhaus and insecticide are combined into “recozit.”
Launch of in-house production in the basement of a private home which also serves as the company headquarters. Reckhaus is one of Germany's first companies to fill aerosol cans. In-house liquid filling and packaging follow.
Construction of the first production warehouse. The new machines are used for the Reckhaus brand as well as to carry out production for third parties, an area which is becoming more and more important. The company launches “recosun,” a sun protection line that contributes to its success for many years. The German Olympic team is even equipped with its products.
Demand for pest control solutions that are both effective and ecological grows. The green recozit anteater, ambassador for this new natural message, captivates audiences in retail stores and wins over the hearts of consumers in TV advertisements.
Klaus Reckhaus combines forces in chemistry. After around ten successful years with the “elle by Reckhaus” brand, and as a trading partner to leading international labels, the company divests itself from its second business focus on “women's outerwear.”
Klaus Reckhaus hands over the reins to his two sons Arne and Hans-Dietrich, who joined the company in 1988 and 1992. Production is automated and expanded. The company is considered a model for complying with stricter environmental regulations.
Production is expanded consistently, for instance with mini sprays and moth paper. Dr. H.-D. Reckhaus, who studied at the University of St. Gallen, establishes a separate location in the Swiss market. The company positions itself for international success.
Happy Birthday, Reckhaus! Reckhaus celebrates its 50-year anniversary with an artfully designed commemorative publication and a huge party in Bielefeld – a welcome occasion to foster solidarity with employees, customers, and partners.
Reckhaus focuses on the value of house flies in its “Saving flies in Doppendorf” campaign, an idea by Frank and Patrik Riklin from the Atelier für Sonderaufgaben (Special projects studio). Considering this question resulted in an all new service: the INSECT RESPECT® seal of quality for pest control with compensating areas. The new Dr. Reckhaus® product line is the world’s first to implement the compensation principle.
A milestone in the development of Reckhaus takes over the screen: Frank and Patrik Riklin present the trailer for “Insect Respect” alongside filmmaker Jelena Gernert. The documentary tells an impressive story about corporate transformation – from the campaign “Saving flies in Deppendorf” to INSECT RESPECT®, the first product label for pest control with compensation areas.
The year of prizes: In 2014, Reckhaus received multiple awards for Insect Respect, including the Querdenker Award in the thought leader category, as well as nominations for the German entrepreneur prize and the Kyocera environmental prize (in image: Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus with former Environmental Minister Prof. Klaus Töpfer).
Reckhaus opens the first insect offset area in Switzerland. Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus receives the Swiss Ethics Prize in November from the University for Engineering and Administration in the canton of Waadt (HEIG-VD).
Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus publishes his new book “Why every fly counts” at the start of the year. Documentation regarding the value and threat of insects. It is available to download here free of charge.
Company founder Klaus Reckhaus celebrates his 90th birthday. The Reckhaus company also celebrates its 60-year anniversary on September 1st, 2016.
Drugstore chain dm includes products with the Insect Respect seal in its product range. In addition to the fruit fly monitor, clothing and food monitors are also offered.
Alongside the Bertelsmann foundation and the Natural History Museum of Bielefeld, Reckhaus puts on a conference entitled “The Value of Insects” (11/9/2017) as well as the first “Day of Insects” (3/30/2017).
Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG is honored with the “My good example” prize. The Bertelsmann foundation honors the company for “improving awareness of species diversity and the ecological importance of insects.”
Reckhaus is now a member of the initiative 'Biodiversity in Good Company'. The goal is networking with other actors to form an insect lobby. The initiative supports companies in integrating biodiversity and ecosystem services into their sustainability management.
Reckhaus GmbH & Co. KG intends to put on the “Day of Insects” every year. They stage the 2nd Day of Insects on march 21st and 22nd. Speakers include Josef Tumbrinck (NABU) and Dr. Jürgen Gross (Deutsche Gesellschaft für allgemeine und angewandte Entomologie (German society for general and applied entomology)).
A growing number of retail partners are including the insect protection seal on their products: ALDI Süd now sells products with the Insect Respect seal.
Reckhaus stages the Day of Insects in Germany in cooperation with the Berlin Natural History Museum. Reckhaus and Insect Respect organize the 2nd Day of Insects Switzerland in cooperation with BirdLife.
Reckhaus stages the Day of Insects in Germany in cooperation with the Berlin Natural History Museum. Reckhaus and Insect Respect organize the 2nd Day of Insects Switzerland in cooperation with BirdLife.
Drugstore brand Rossmann adds the Insect Respect seal of quality from Reckhaus to the insecticide-free products from its Rubin brand.
The company works for insects with every centimeter: In September, Managing Director Dr. Hans-Dietrich Reckhaus destroys the last parking spaces with a jackhammer to create another 220 square meters more space for insect-friendly habitat. In his new book "Fliegen lassen – Wie man radikal und konsequent neu wirtschaftet” (Let flies alone – how to do business in a consistently radical new way”), the Reckhaus partner writes about how a shift towards more sustainability can occur, and encourages readers to follow the company's example.
Reckhaus and Insect Respect are honored as the project of the UN decade for biological diversity 2020, and with the Sustainability Heroes Award and Silver Award at the WorldMediaFestival. The German Sustainability Prize, the German Innovation Prize for the Climate and Environment, the Marketing for Future Award and the Swiss Ethics Award nominate Reckhaus for its innovation Insect Respect.
Career at Reckhaus

Together with a small team, we want to shake up social consciousness, transform an industry, stimulate a change of perspective - simply: we want to revolutionize and encourage many organizations, companies and private individuals to join in.
Our awards

A wide range of prizes and awards are evidence of Reckhaus’s unique approach and force of innovation. In recent years, Reckhaus has emerged as a sustainability pioneer in the biocide industry on both national and international levels.